Sunday, August 8, 2010


I don't really have much that to say this afternoon. I haven't had any major revelations or insights since yesterday. Still, I am trying to form a habit of blogging so I am here. Here are some things I have been thinking and doing.

I went to church twice in the last 24 hours. There was a service last night and one this morning. Finding a church is hard. I don't like being the new kid. It makes me uncomfortable. It gets easy for me to start judging the churches I visit based on whether they talk to me or not, how easy it is to get involved, music, preaching, overall atmosphere, etc. . . I try to shut that kind of thinking down.

The church I went to this morning might actually be the place I end up staying. Really friendly people. Vibrant ministry. Small and intimate. My only problem is that, as far as I can tell, I am the only unmarried adult in the entire church. Should that really be a problem? I can be in community with married people, obviously. It's just that I am so new here and know so few people. I was hoping that church would be a place where I could not only find spiritual community, but find some friendships and a social life as well. Couples tend to do things with other couples. That's fine, but it does make me feel a little out of place. I'll give it some time.

What else is going on? Well, I cleaned my room and hung up a bunch of pictures yesterday. This afternoon, my roommate and I are going to the movies. Tomorrow I am going to campus to sign my I9. I lead an exciting life.

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