Monday, July 6, 2009


I think I have finally settled into summer. I've gotten into the routine of it and learned how to moderate my time wasting. It's nice: getting up in the morning and going to work early enough to make some copies and finish up a few odd chores before class. Right now, I am sitting in a coffee shop in Moscow. I came here to work on a proposal for a conference in DC this fall but forgot to bring my thumb drive so I am kind of at a standstill until I get home again.

Speaking of the conference. . . last week I started making some serious steps in the direction of further schooling. I still have absolutely no desire to get a PhD but I am very seriously considering a second Masters degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. It would open up some interesting new teaching opportunties for me outside of universities. I could teach in intensive language programs and community centers and that sort of thing. It sounds interesting. And doable. Can't say that I am totally thrilled at the idea of being a student again--I've just started to get used to not being assessed and evaluated multiple times every day--but at the same time I really do like the idea of getting a foundation for my teaching. The last year and a half have really been enlightening in terms of how much I still need to learn. I teach non-native English speakers, but I don't really have a solid understanding of how to teach them. Scary. I would like to change that.

To that end, last week I . . .
  • Had a long conversation with the head of the ESL program and got some recommendations for school.
  • Joined TESOL
  • Joined WATESOL
  • Researched programs (U. of Hawaii at Manoa and the Monterey Institute of International Studies are my favorites so far).
  • Applied (by the end of the day) to the WATESOL conference

Not bad for one week, especially after a year of resolutely refusing to think about anything beyond the next month of my life.